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Sync data from Jira

To get data from Jira into Korl, start by authenticating Jira (under Settings, then Integrations).

Next, go to Settings, then Project Attributes to configure the Korl attributes that you want to sync from Jira. For each attribute that should sync from Jira, set the data source to Jira and then specify the Jira field to sync.

Now you are ready to import issues from Jira (which could be epics, stories, tasks, etc.). The best way to do this is to export the issues from Jira to a .csv, then upload that .csv to Korl.

  1. In Jira, start a search and filter to the issues you want to import into Korl
  2. Open that filtered list in Google Sheets.

  1. Once in Google Sheets, remove any extra images or rows so the top row is column headers, and each row after that is a Jira issue that you want to import into Korl as a roadmap project.
  2. Add a column called “Dev link” that uses the concatenate function to add the unique URL for your Jira site (e.g. “https://company.atlassian.net/browse/”) with the “Key” for the issue to import.
  3. Download the Google Sheet as a .csv file.
  4. Go into the Roadmap tab in Korl and “Add from .csv file” (under the + button)
  5. Follow the steps to upload the file and map columns in your .csv to the relevant Korl attributes. Ensure that you map the “Dev link” attribute in Korl to the “Dev link” column you just created in the Google Sheet that has the actual URL to the relevant Jira issue.

Once you import the .csv, Korl will not only create a roadmap item for each row in the .csv file, but it will also automatically sync data from Jira for the Korl attributes you configured to source from Jira.🔜 Coming soon, you will be able to select the Jira issues you want to import right from Korl, without the need for .csv upload.