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Roadmap projects

In Korl, a project is a feature or improvement on your roadmap for which it is worth communicating to stakeholders about what it is and how it’s tracking.

It frequently maps to an epic in Jira or a project in Linear, but it can map to any issue type or notable bug fix depending on how your team tracks work.

Some projects will be for internal stakeholders only, while others will be okay to share with external audiences such as customers. The key is that a project is big enough that it warrants tracking and communicating about outside of the development team who owns the project.

Projects are listed in the Roadmap table, and each project has a detail page where users can view and manage key information about the project (i.e. the project attributes).

When you generate an artifact in Korl, such as a presentation or product update, Korl pulls in the most current data about the projects included in that artifact.