Make organizational alignment easily achievable

Our mission

Our story
We’re a team that loves working together to solve difficult problems for users. But one of the things we’ve always found harder than it should be is building organization-wide alignment around a shared direction. This has been true at fast-moving startups as well as large-scale organizations like Google, Salesforce, and VMware.

In past roles, we’ve created workarounds to bridge disconnected processes and connect siloed systems of record in order to strengthen customer focus and deepen cross-functional collaboration. And we’ve seen the benefits. We know that when everyone is rowing in the same direction – and it’s grounded in the customer experience – teams accomplish so much more.
Our vision
A communication platform that automates and improves information sharing across functions and with customers

Our team

Berit Hoffmann - CEO and co-founder of Korl
Berit Hoffmann
CEO - Co-founder
Sumeet Pannu - CTO and co-founder of Korl
Sumeet Pannu
CTO - Co-founder
Ryan Brownlow - Founding Designer
Ryan Brownlow
Founding Designer
Yash Tewari - Software Engineer
Yash Tewari
Yash Tewari - Software Engineer
Chris Dessonville