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Sync attributes from Jira or Linear

Attributes already tracked in Jira or Linear can be synced to Korl so there is no need for double data entry.

This is often the case for structured attributes such as dates, stage, and priority.

To sync an attribute from Jira or Linear, go to Settings, Project attributes, and set the attribute’s data source to Jira or Linear. Then choose the relevant field that should be synced to Korl.

Once you add a Dev link to a particular Korl project, Korl syncs the relevant data from the epic, project, or issue identified by that Dev link.

When you make an edit in Jira or Linear, the changes are synced to Korl automatically.

When you edit a synced attribute from Korl, you have the choice to push that change back to Jira or Linear (so long as you have enabled read-write permissions). If you choose not to push the change back, sync will be broken, and the attribute’s source will change to Korl (but you can always re-sync at any time).

Attributes synced to Jira or Linear have the

Jira logo

Jira or

Linear app logo

Linear icons next to them.

🐶 How Korl uses Korl We sync the following attributes from Jira:

  • Owner
  • Design links
  • Priority
  • Project images
  • Eng start
  • Eng complete
  • Release.

We bring in our Eng Complete date from Jira as the default for Release, but we often break sync and add buffer directly from Korl (e.g. move Release to +2 weeks after Eng Complete)