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Roadmap Projects

In Korl, a project is a feature or improvement on your roadmap for which it is worth communicating to stakeholders about what it is and how it’s tracking. It frequently maps to an epic in Jira or a project in Linear, but it can map to any issue type or notable bug fix depending on how your team tracks work. Some projects will be for internal stakeholders only, while others will be okay to share with external audiences such as customers. The key is that a project is big enough that it warrants tracking and communicating about outside of the development team who owns the project. Projects are listed in the Roadmap table, and each project has a detail page where users can view and manage key information about the project (i.e. the project attributes).
When you generate an artifact in Korl, such as a presentation or product update, Korl pulls in the most current data about the projects included in that artifact.

Project Attributes

Each roadmap project in Korl has attributes that track key pieces of information about the project. These attributes focus on information that is important when communicating to internal or external stakeholders. They are organized into several categories:
Project Overview
Project name
The internally-facing name for the project.
Internal summary
A 1-3 sentence internally-facing description of what the project delivers.
The person most directly responsible for the project’s delivery (usually a PM).
The development team building the item.
Dev link
The URL for the epic, project, or issue where development status is tracked.
Project doc link
The URL for a document (e.g. PRD, product brief, 1-pager) describing the project.
Design links
The URL(s) for files that detail project designs.
How important the project is to deliver.
Choose from: P0, P1, P2, Backlog
The strategic focus area(s) to which the project aligns.
Values are configurable
The business objective(s) to which the project aligns.
Values are configurable
Target personas
The user persona(s) or role(s) the project is intended to benefit most.
Values are configurable
Project images
Visual assets that help explain the item.
.jpg, .png, .jpeg, .webp, .gif
Critical user journey
The in-product steps a user takes to address the core need this project targets.
Release status
The project’s high-level phase in the lifecycle toward release.
Choose from: Not Started, Defining, Developing, Validating, Released
Eng start
The date when the project’s development is expected to begin or began.
Eng complete
The date when the project’s development is expected to complete or completed.
The quarter, month, or exact date when the project is expected to or did release to end users.
The confidence level that the project will release to end users on the Release date.
Choose from: Released, On track, At risk, Off track, In backlog
Status update
Comments about how the project is progressing.
External positioning
External visibility
Whether the project can be shared with external stakeholders, such as customers.
Choose from: Okay to share, Requires NDA, Do not share
External name
The externally-facing name for the project.
External description
A 1-3 sentence externally-facing description of what the project delivers.
Customer imact
A 1-3 sentence externally-facing summary of how the project benefits end users.
Shareable timeframe
Whether the Release date can be shared externally, and if so, at what granularity.
Choose from: None, Release Quarter, Release Month
Shareable media
Visual assets added to Project images that are tagged as “Externally shareable”.
You can configure the default data source for each attribute by going to Settings, then Project Attributes. Options include Korl, Jira, Linear, Project doc analyzed by KorlAI, or KorlAI.
Manage attributes in Korl
For attributes that aren’t already maintained in your dev tracking system or product requirements documents, it’s best to set the source to Korl and add or edit them directly in Korl. This is often the case for attributes that you historically managed in either a spreadsheet or presentation slides themselves, such as most of the attributes in the External Positioning section. Attributes managed in Korl have a Korl icon next to them.
Sync Attributes from Jira or Linear
Attributes already tracked in Jira or Linear can be synced to Korl so there is no need for double data entry. This is often the case for structured attributes such as dates, stage or status, and priority. To sync an attribute from Jira or Linear, go to Settings, Project attributes, and set the attribute’s data source to Jira or Linear. Then choose the relevant field that should be synced to Korl. Once you add a Dev link to a particular project, Korl syncs the relevant data from the particular epic, project, or issue identified by that Dev link. When you make an edit in Jira or Linear, the changes are synced to Korl automatically.
When you edit a synced attribute from Korl, you have the choice to push that change back to Jira or Linear (so long as you have enabled read-write permissions). If you choose not to push the change back, sync will be broken, and the attribute’s source will change to Korl (but you can always re-sync at any time). Attributes synced to Jira or Linear have the Jira or Linear icons next to them.
Infer Attributes from the Project Doc
KorlAI can also analyze any project document written in Google Docs, Notion, or Confluence to extract data and auto-generate content for Korl attributes. This is particularly useful for long text attributes such as Internal summary or Critical user journey. It also works well for attributes such as Themes, Goals, and Target personas. If you define expected values for these attributes under Settings, KorlAI will pick the most relevant value based on the project document. If you have not provided expected values, KorlAI will come up with values on its own. Once you add a Project doc link to a particular project, KorlAI analyzes the document identified by that link to populate values for the attributes configured to sync from the project doc. As the underlying document evolves, ask Korl to “re-analyze” at any time to update the project’s attributes based on the latest content in the document.
If you make an edit in Korl, sync will be broken, and the attribute’s source will change to Korl. But you can always “re-analyze” to re-sync the attribute at any time. Attributes synced to KorlAI’s analysis of the project document have the document icon next to them.
Ask KorlAI to Generate Content
Finally, you can ask KorlAI to auto-draft External positioning content based on the internally-facing information already added to Korl. This option is only available for External name, External description, and Customer impact. When one of these attributes is synced to KorlAI, it gets auto-generated and auto-updated any time the project’s Internal summary changes.
If you make a manual edit to the KorlAI-generated content, sync will be broken, and the attribute’s source will change to Korl (but you can always re-sync at any time). Attributes synced to KorlAI have the KorlAI icon next to them.

Korl artifacts

An artifact is a presentation, update, or other form of communication created in Korl. The format and content of each artifact depends on the type of artifact. For example, Korl offers a number of different presentation templates for common use cases and audiences. Different templates have different logic for what data is included and how they can be edited. When an artifact is generated (for example, by creating a presentation or status update), Korl grabs the latest data for each included roadmap project to populate the presentation or update. The artifact is then preserved as a “snapshot,” meaning its contents will not change unless a user explicitly updates or edits the artifact itself – even as the underlying project data evolves. This ensures the artifact can serve as a useful reference point in the future.

Import & Sync Data into Korl

There are three main ways to import
roadmap projects
into Korl: add from project docs, add from a .csv file, or add manually. When adding from a project doc, you select one or more documents, each of which should describe a single project on your roadmap. KorlAI will analyze the documents, then create and populate a new roadmap project for each one. The underlying document does not need to have any particular structure. When adding from a .csv file, you upload a single .csv file where each row is a project on your roadmap, and each column is one of the p
roject attributes.
Korl will treat the first row as column headers, then create a new roadmap project for each subsequent row in the table. You’ll have the opportunity to map columns in your .csv to the relevant attribute in Korl, and you can also ask KorlAI to auto-generate additional content as long as you provide an Internal summary.
When adding manually, you provide the data directly into Korl. Depending on your project attribute settings, additional data may be
(as you add a Dev or Project doc links) or
by KorlAI (as you add an Internal summary). Depending on where your roadmap data lives today, you may want to use a combination of these mechanisms to import your data into Korl.
From Jira
To get data from Jira into Korl, start by authenticating Jira (under Settings, then Integrations). You will be prompted to select a Jira project. Select the project that contains the issues you want to sync into Korl. Coming soon, you will be able to sync issues from multiple projects. Next, configure the Korl attributes that you want to
sync from Jira
(under Settings, Project attributes). For each attribute that should sync from Jira, set the data source to Jira and then specify the Jira field to sync. Now you are ready to import issues from Jira (which could be epics, stories, tasks, etc.). The best way to do this is to export the issues from Jira to a .csv, then upload that .csv to Korl. In Jira, start a search and filter to the issues you want to import into Korl Open that filtered list in Google Sheets
Once in Google Sheets, remove any extra images or rows so the top row is column headers, and each row after that is a Jira issue that you want to import into Korl as a roadmap project Add a column called “Dev link” that uses the concatenate function to add the unique URL for your Jira instance (e.g. “https://company.atlassian.net/browse/”) with the “Key” for the issue to import
Download the Google Sheet as a .csv file Go into the Roadmap tab in Korl and “Add from .csv file” Follow the steps to upload the file and map columns in your .csv to the relevant Korl attributes. Ensure that you map the “Dev link” attribute in Korl to the “Dev link” column you just created in the Google Sheet that has the actual URL to the relevant Jira issue Once you import the .csv, Korl will not only create a roadmap item for each row in the .csv file, but it will also automatically sync data from Jira for the Korl attributes you configured to source from Jira. <add .gif> Coming soon, you will be able to select the Jira issues you want to import right from Korl, without the need for .csv upload.
From Linear
To get data from Linear into Korl, start by authenticating Linear (under Settings, then Integrations). Next, configure the Korl attributes that you want to
sync from Linear
(under Settings, Project attributes). For each attribute that should sync from Linear, set the data source to Linear and then specify the Linear field to sync. Now you are ready to import issues or projects from Linear. If you want to import Linear issues, the best way to do this is to export a saved view from Linear to a .csv, then upload that .csv to Korl. In Linear, create a “Saved view” of the issues you want to import into Korl From the view’s 3-dot menu, select “Export issues as CSV…”
Open the CSV in Excel or Google Sheets Add a column called “Dev link” that uses the concatenate function to add the unique URL for your Linear workspace (e.g. “linear.app/workspace/issue/”) with the “ID” for the issue to import.
Download the Google Sheet as a .csv file Go into the Roadmap tab in Korl and “Add from .csv file” Follow the steps to upload the file and map columns in your .csv to the relevant Korl attributes. Ensure that you map the “Dev link” attribute in Korl to the “Dev link” column you just created in the Google Sheet that has the actual URL to the relevant Linear issue Once you import the .csv, Korl will not only create a roadmap item for each row in the .csv file, but it will also automatically sync data from Linear for the Korl attributes you configured to source from Linear. <add .gif> If you want to import Linear projects, you will have to add each project’s Linear link directly to a roadmap project in Korl. This is because when exporting projects, Linear does not include the project ID. You can either export Linear projects, upload them as a .csv, and then add the Linear project link to each project. Or you can simply add projects manually in Korl and then add the Linear project link, and all attributes configured to source from Linear will get synced. <add .gif> Coming soon, you will be able to select the Linear issues or projects to import right from Korl without the need for .csv upload or adding links directly.