Automate and improve product alignment

Turn project data into tailored product presenations and updates that increase go-to-market results.

Try Korl with your own data and pay nothing for 2 weeks.

How Korl works

Internal roadmap
All Hands, Roadmap plan readout
External roadmap
Customer meeting, Sales pitch
Release review
Monthly product meeting
Status update
Roadmap check-in, Exec updates

Korl integrates with tools like Jira, Google Drive and Figma to sync data and auto-generate content about items on the roadmap.

When you create a presentation in Korl, it’s auto-populated with the latest data and enhanced by Korl AI.

Switch between templates and customize content with just a few clicks.

What do you want to create?

Select a use case to preview and get started.
Customer-facing roadmap by time or theme
Yearly or quarterly roadmap presentation for internal stakeholders
Product roadmap presentation to inform colleagues of recent progress and what’s next
Sprint priorities slides to review with your scrum team
Weekly update summary for email, or Slack posts
Presentations to enable GTM teams for recent or upcoming releases
Coming Soon!
Korl is recognized as one of the top 5 AI Products of 2023
Korl is featured on Theres an AI for that.

How it works

Add project data to Korl

There are several quick and easy ways to bring project data into Korl.

Upload a CSV

Roadmaps often start as a list of projects in a spreadsheet. Upload them, and KorlAI will import the data plus augment each project with additional details.

KorlAI auto-generates additional details, such as External positioning and the Critical user journey.
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Connect project documents

For projects that already have a PRD, product brief, or one-pager, point Korl at the relevant Google Doc, Notion, or Confluence page.

Korl will create a roadmap item per document and then parse, summarize, and auto-generate important content.
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Connect development issues

For projects that have an associated issue in Jira or Linear, provide the URL to that issue. Korl will pull in the relevant data and keep everything in sync.

You can configure which Korl attributes sync from which fields in Jira or Linear.
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Provide a title and short description

You can also provide Korl with an item name and short summary for each project, and KorlAI will auto-populate additional details.

KorlAI auto-generates additional details, such as External positioning and the Critical user journey.
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Augment and sync project data

Keep all your project data in sync and up to date, creating a centralized source of truth.

Auto-draft external positioning

Talking about a feature outside your company requires different language, images, and dates. Korl has an explicit External positioning section for which KorlAI drafts content automatically.

Korl lets you specify what can be shared externally and auto-populates positioning content for you.
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Create and sync project documents

With just a project name and description, KorlAI can kickstart a project document in your document editor of choice (Google Docs, Notion, or Confluence).

As the document evolves, KorlAI will re-analyze the latest version to automatically update data in Korl

KorlAI analyzes the document as it evolves to parse, summarize, and auto-generate important content.
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Sync fields from development issues

Once you add a “Dev link” to a roadmap item in Korl, any Korl fields configured to sync from the dev issue update automatically as edits occur in Jira or Linear.

You have total control over what information from your dev tracking tool should get mapped back to Korl.
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Auto-generate powerful, accurate communications

Korl uses your project details to auto-generate polished, consumable presentations and updates, each tailored for a common use case and audience.

Create roadmap presentations

Generate tailored, branded presentations in seconds, pulling from the latest project data in Korl. Select from a number of best practice templates for common use cases.

Choose from templates such as customer-facing presentations, yearly or quarterly roadmap plans, updates on recent progress, or sprint priority reviews.
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Summarize key takeaways

KorlAI auto-generates key takeaways and investment area descriptions based on other content and projects included in the presentation.

AI-generated summaries update automatically as other presentation content changes, and you can edit them directly at any time.
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Highlight changes since a prior presentation

When you update to a particular audience, it’s critical to call out what has changed since the last update they received. Korl allows you to automatically summarize differences between any two presentations.

Select a prior presentation for comparison, and KorlAI will create a concise summary of key changes.
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Provide regular status updates

KorlAI automatically generates well-formatted, text-based roadmap summaries on a weekly basis. These include callouts for key changes that occurred since a prior date.

Updates are sent via email on a weekly basis and can also be generated on-demand at any time.
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Share and collaborate

Communication assets created in Korl are easily shareable with both internal and external stakeholders.

Invite to edit

Invite your team as editors on the presentation to review, add and edit content, or comment (coming soon).

Export presentations to PDF, PPT, or Slides

You can also export any presentation to PDF, PPT, and Google Slides. This enables sending or sharing the presentation outside of Korl in your preferred file format.

Export presentations to PDF, Powerpoint, or Google Slides.
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How it works

Korls how it works diagram shows data sources linking to Korl then Korl parsing out to different tempates
Korl integrates with tools like Jira and your PRDs to sync data and auto-generate content about items on the roadmap.

When you create a presentation in Korl, it’s auto-populated with the latest data and enhanced by Korl AI.

Switch between templates and customize content with just a few clicks.

Sync and summarize project details with KorlAI

Connect your development tracker and PRDs, then configure which project attributes in Korl should sync from each source.

Korl uses synced data to automatically draft content such as the internal project summary, external description, and customer impact. logo

Create and customize slides from best practice templates

Build presentations in seconds. Start from a template optimized for a specific use case and audience, and let Korl pull in the latest synced data upon creation.

Quickly and easily reorganize sections, adjust styles, and show or hide content.
Mockup of on a laptop screen

Communicate and collaborate from a shared source of truth

Invite project owners to review content for the roadmap items they own, and request feedback from product stakeholders.

Easily reference the repository of past presentations to answer questions such as how plans have evolved over time, or what was shared with whom.
Share presentations and invite others to exit

Presentation use cases

Korl automatically translates and reformats product updates for different internal and external presentation audiences.

Customer Meetings

Share the product direction with a customer using the External Roadmap template.

It includes an introduction to notable investment themes, an externally-facing detail slide per feature, and a summary view of items organized by configurable time periods.

Company All Hands

Update the company on product plans with the Internal Roadmap template.

It covers high-level takeaways upfront, a summary list of projects organized by key concepts (such as Priority, Goal, or Team), and the option to highlight any individual item with an internally-facing detail slide.

GTM Enablement

Enable GTM teams to sell and support key changes with the Release Review template.

For a given release, it details what changes are included, how they align to different themes and user personas, and how they should be positioned externally.

Executive Updates

Keep leadership informed about product progress with the Status Update template.

It provides visibility into important overall takeaways and progress metrics, the list of roadmap items added or removed since the last planning milestone, and whether any highly strategic projects are at risk.
External Roadmap
External roadmap title slide
Korl Customer facing roadmap template Title Slide image
Korl Customer facing roadmap template Investment area thumbnailKorl Customer facing roadmap template item detail slide thumbnailKorl Customer facing roadmap template Item detailthumbnailKorl Customer facing roadmap template summary slide thumbnail
Internal Roadmap
Korl Internal Team roadmap Title Slide
Korl Internal team roadmap Intro slide
Korl Internal Team roadmap presentation Agenda slide
Internal Team roadmap 
presentation Overview slide

Korl Internal team roadmap presentation summary slide
Korl Internal team roadmap internal detail slide
Korl Internal team roadmap item detail slide
Release Review
Release review item title slide
Release review item title slide
Release review agenda slide
Release review - release summary
Release review item detail slide
Release review Item detail page
Release review product release notes
Status Update
Executive update title slide
Executive update title slide
Executive updates roadmap changes
Executive review project review slide
Executive review recent changes slide
Korl GPT’s
Free, AI-powered product communications from Korl
PRD Generator
Provide a short project description, and Korl will create a product requirements document in seconds.
External Positioning Generator
Automatically draft a customer-facing feature name, description, and impact statement based on a short internal description or project document
Weekly Status Generator
Create a well-formatted, text-based status update based on a CSV upload of projects on your roadmap
Customer Update Email Generator
Draft a product update you can email to customers, including external positioning for each project based on a few simple details about each project
Try Korl GPTs
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